Firefighters-rescuers use specific protective clothing and personal protective equipment while performing fire-fighting. The fire kit of a firefighter-rescuer consists of:

  • turnout gear,
  • protective boots,
  • protective gloves and a helmet with fire hood.

A turnout gear of a firefighter-rescuer protects against high or low temperatures, it can withstand direct flames exposure for a short period (a few seconds).

A modern turnout gear of a firefighter-rescuer must protect against the harmful effects of hazardous factors while also being lightweight and providing good ventilation for a firefighter‑rescuer’s body. The turnout gear significantly reduces the impact of various hazardous factors on a firefighter-rescuer’s health and life. However, the protective clothing cannot provide full protection against all harmful factors therefor firefighting remains a risky profession.

Protective boots of a firefighter-rescuer have metal reinforcement embedded in the soles and toe caps. The firefighting boots are water-proof, resistant to petroleum products, and can be used for a certain period while standing on a heated surface.

Protective gloves of a firefighter-rescuer are multi-layered. The first layer protects against the mechanical impact, the second layer – against temperature and the third layer provides a proper microclimate.

A helmet protects the head from different falling objects, and the exposure of water and temperature. The helmet has a face shield that protects the face of a firefighter-rescuer from debris, shards and heat radiation.

Special chemical protective suits are designed for working with hazardous substances.

For work in environments unsuitable for breathing, firefighter-rescuers use compressed air breathing apparatus with face masks that completely isolate their respiratory systems from the surrounding environment. Typically, such an apparatus provides a firefighter-rescuer with an air supply for approximately 30 minutes in an unbreathable atmosphere.

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