The responsibilities at the local level lie with the local government to ensure disaster management within the administrative territory related to the collapse of buildings and structures, accidents in heating supply, water supply, wastewater or collecting system, as well as supports state institutions when emergency rescue and recovery operations are taking place.

Each Commission is tasked to develop Civil Protection Plan with description of the administrative territory and includes risk assessment for its administrative territory and sets prevention, preparedness, response and recovery activities and responsibilities at local level, as well as plans of evacuation means, resources, cooperation with other stakeholders, including non-governmental organisations, and activities in the case of threat of war or military conflict.

Each Commission has chairperson and vice-chair and a set composition of representatives of state and local institutions and per the emergency additional experts may be invited support work done by the Commission. State Fire and Rescue Service has two officials appointed to each Commission which are fulfilling the role of vice-chair.

As of June 2025 in Latvia there are 42 administrative territories which make 38 Civil Protection Commissions of Co-operation Territories.