Exercises and training are to be planned and organised by State and local government authorities and also legal persons are allowed to also organise inter-institutional exercises, involving representatives of other State and local government authorities and legal persons.

Civil protection and disaster management exercise are divided into:

  • Local level exercise to test local disaster preparedness. Exercise is conducted every three years.
  • Regional level exercise to test regional disaster preparedness. Exercise is conducted every four years.
  • National level exercise to test national disaster preparedness. Exercise is conducted every four years.
  • International exercises to test cooperation and interoperability of international capacities.

Education and minimal requirements within the area of civil protection and disaster management are set as Cabinet Regulation and is mandatory to be implemented which includes:

  • Civil protection and disaster management topics included within curriculum via subject «Human Safety» (Grade 3, Grade 6, Grade 9, Grade 12);
  • Course «Civil protection» as a separate and mandatory course for all higher education institutions;
  • Civil protection training is required for person working at the object of increased danger or in an object for which a civil protection plan has been developed.

Additional public awareness is raised by:

  • Information campaigns for population;
  • Cooperation with different society led formats, as NGOs.