Translated by machine translator

The single emergency call number 112 shall be called in cases of danger and danger to your life, health, safety, environment or property or to the life, health, safety, environment or property of others.

Call 112 if:

  • there is a fire
  • need medical help:
    • man unconscious;
    • stop breathing or develop sudden breathing problems;
    • there are serious injuries or severe external bleeding that are life-threatening;
    • signs of an infarction. For example, sudden pain behind the sternum;
    • signs of stroke. For example, there is a sudden weakness of one side of the body;
    • other life and health threatening situations.
  • need police help:
    • a threats to public order;
    • a crime committed
  • a noticeable smell of gas;
  • an accident:
    • on the road;
    • on the water;
    • on the railway;
    • in the workplace.
  • a collapsed building;
  • a landslide has occurred;
  • chemical found;
  • suspicious object found;
  • suspicious mail received.

In cases where assistance from the operational services is not required, other telephone numbers should be used to obtain assistance or to provide information on the accident in question.


If you're in a situation other than that mentioned here, call 112 and report it!

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