What is building and structure damage and collapses?

The loss of load capacity of structural elements, damage to the fixing points for various reasons – constructive errors, errors made during construction or technical works (assembly and dismantling, violation of the rules of technology), ageing of building materials, non-compliance with the regulations for the operation of buildings and structures, fire exposure, exposure to natural disasters (earthquake, floods, hurricane, rain, snow, hail, landslide and others), explosions and other influencing factors.

Specialized equipment

For rescue operations involving building collapses, SFRS has 11 specialized rescue vehicles which are equipped with special devices and equipment for searching for victims.

  • „Vibrascope ® BVA – 6” – a telescopic manipulator with an infrared camera provides 360º visibility in complete darkness up to a distance of 4 meters.
  • Vibraphone ASB6” –  an electronic search and listening device with headphones and built-in microphones, two highly sensitive vibration and sound sensors, and 8 meter-long cable.

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Emergency Response to Road Traffic Accidents