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If an accident has occurred and help is needed

You can call for help:

  • by calling the single emergency call number 1 1 2. Calls are free and can be made from any fixed or mobile phone. You can also initiate a call using the 112 Latvija application;
  • by sending a text message. Sending text messages is free of charges. You can also send a text message using the 112 Latvija application. The SMS is structured through the application;
  • by making an e-call, or eCall, from the car.

What do you have to say?

If you have an accident and need to call 1 1 2, try to calm down first. Wait for connection to 1 1 2 contact center.

Prepare to answer the following questions:

  1. give an exact address or describe the scene;
  2. briefly describe what has happened;
  3. try to remember everything as accurately as possible about the accident;
  4. give Your name and telephone number at the request of the dispacher;
  5. Remember! Don't stop talking first!

Keeps calm and answers to the dispatcher's questions.


  • Be on call, just in case the dispatcher may need to reconnect with you.
  • Specific answers can speed up getting help.
  • No question of discpacher is too insignificant.


If the 1 1 2 Contact Center discpacher responds that he will connect You to another service, be patient and wait for the connection!

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