Each educational establishment shall organise practical training in accordance with the section "Fire safety" of the Fire Safety Instructions at least once a year.
In the event of a fire, call 112 first.
In a calm, measured voice, announce the start of the evacuation. This can be done via the internal broadcasting network or by megaphone. A school bell can also be used as a means of announcing an evacuation.
It is the teacher's or carer's responsibility to prepare children for evacuation and get them out of the premises. If there is a quiet period in the preschool, children are woken up and quickly dressed. If time is short, clothes are taken up and children are dressed after evacuation.
In case of fire, evacuate children to a pre-determined location according to the action plan. It is important that all children are aware of this assembly point. This increases the children's chances of finding their own way out in case they wander off during the evacuation.
At the assembly point, check the list of attendees, locate missing persons and report to the head of the educational establishment and the fire-fighting manager. Give first aid to the injured.